Dictionary of Gay Terms, in the Gay Reading Room,  Gay Slang Dictionary


69: Sixty-nine oral sex that two persons engage in simultaneously. Simultaneous fellatio, belly to belly, head to tail. Sixty-nine may be engaged in by two men who engage in fellatio, two women who perform cunnilingus, or by woman and a man one performing fellatio and the other cunnilingus. see Sixty-Nine

175: Nazi Concentration Camp homosexual prisoners were always marked, with symbols. In the first years of the Concentration Camp varying symbols were used. A large 175 was the symbol drawn on the inmates's back. Reference to the Paragraph 175 of the Penal Code.

175-ER: [Germany 1920s & 1930s] male homosexual. -Derived from the German Penal Code, Paragraph 175.

24/7: 24hr a day 7 days a week [Jimmy is not good to keep up with me I need a lover that can go 24/7.]

4-real: The person is not interested in superficial relationships, liars or exaggeration. 01-24-2003 by Roedy Green ©1997-2003]

411: [1998] Information about something or someone. Come in to us when the Telephone Company making 411 into directory assistance. [Do you have all the 411 on the new guy?]

4:20: code for smoking marijuana.

69: Simultaneous fellatio, head to tail, belly to belly. Also applies to a similar position for heterosexual couples.

A: 1. Nazi Concentration Camp homosexual prisoners were always marked with symbols. In the first years of the Concentration Camp varying symbols were used. A yellow band with an "A" [which was translated as "Arschficker" --ass fucker see note GS3..
2. [abbreviation ] Asian. This abbreviation is used in the classified ads.

AB: Adult Babies, abies. People who like to dress up as babies in diapers etc. 01-24-2003 by Roedy Green ©1997-2003]

Aaron's rod: synonym for penis

abareskin: [camp] embarrassing

ABDICATE (v.): Forced to leave a public toilet by an attendant; said of male homosexuals who frequent public rest rooms. Thus, queens are forced to abdicate.

abigail: A gay nickname for a middle-age gay that is in the closet, or that the approach to love and life s conservative.

absolute code: [50s] the absolute code is that you do not expose a fellow homosexual to his straight friends, boss, or to the press. It is considered unfair to bring another gay or lesbian out. Coming out is a individual decision. Exposing that someone is gay. The person could, lost of job or position with straight friends, or family that one is not ready for.

abstinence: 1. not taking part in sexual acts.
2. not masturbating or denial of all sexual pleasure. Synonyms: born again virgin; secondary virginity.

abort: To shit soon after being ass-fucked

a-buck: a position for anal intercourse: laying with legs thrown over the head in the air exposing the ass-end to the active partner. [This position lets one kiss his partner.]

abuse oneself: [Sine late 1500s] masturbation. Syn: self abuse

a-bucking: using the a-buck position for anal intercourse; laying with legs thrown over the head in the air exposing the ass-end to the active partner.

abuse potential: The likelihood that a drug will be abused. Some drugs, such as Prozac, have a very low abuse potential, whereas other drugs such as codeine (which can make the user high as a kite) have a high abuse potential. Among gay men crystal meth may be the most highly abused. Viagra may become one of the highest. [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

abyss: A resisting asshole that has been overly used in anal intercourse

A.C.-D.C. (n., adj.). Bisexual.

accordion: [late 60s] a penis which becomes dramatically longer in length when aroused. Synonyms: hidden magic; surprise package

accouterments: 1. male genitals.
2.[late 60s] a penis which becomes dramatically longer in length when aroused. Syn: accordion; hidden magic; surprise package

ace gear: a sexually talented homosexual, one who is about to do everything.

ace queen: [70' prison] one that appears as womanly, as possible with shaven legs plucked eyebrows. Synonyms. porch; backs [prison sl]; backside; beauns; beautocks; beauts; beauty [early 60s]; biscuit; biscuits; bonbons; boody; booty; bottom; broad; bucket; bum [rit] bun; bunghole; buns; bun-bun; bunt; butt; buttocks; caboose; cakes; can; canetta; canister set; change-machine change-register; Cheeks; chips; chundini; copper penny [kwn Mid-west, late 50s] cozy drop [kwn LA, early 60s] cunt; cupcakes; cushion; derriere; dokus; drop [kwn Calif, late 50s] duff; duster; fanny; fesse; flip side [mid 60s] fundillo; gatees; gazeet; ham; hill-lock hill-locks; hernandies [mid 60s] hips; hot pockeroo; potcharooney [mid 60s] jamblocks [kwn SF, early 60]; kazoo[ mid 60s]; keester; labonza; loaves [71]; love buns; male tale; moon; money-maker; motor; nachas; naka-nake; ninan; okole-mas; paddies; patties; pellin; piece of luggage [kwn Midwest, mid 60s] popo; poundcake [40s]; pratt; puss; rolls; roscas; rosey; rum; set of cakes; set of pears; sitzbein; sizzlers [kwn Southwest late 60s] south-end [40] spare tire [kwn Midwest, mid 60s] smallers [SF70s]; sugar cookies; tail; taquitos; tokus; tooky; Cashmerian togas; twin-hills

acrotomophilia: a person with an amputation fetish; a person is sexually aroused by the sight of an amputation usually of a whole arm or leg.

ACT-UP: stands for AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, Founded: 1987 in New York. A direct-action protest group, advocated an aggressively confrontational style. formed to agitate for a noncentrated response to the AIDS crisis from the Federal government. ACT-UP is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. Michaelangelo Signorile is a founder and major player in ACT-UP.
ACT UP/New York
332 Bleecker St. Suite G5
New York, NY 10014
voicemail/fax: (212) 966-4873
e-mail: [email protected]___

active: 1.a person who engages in sex. ["I have sex at least three times a week since I became active."]
2.one who participates enthusiastically and with considerable energy during sex. ["I love being in bed with Dave; he is so active I am always stimulated."]
3. a person who engages in a lot of sex. [I have been to bed with about two men a week since I started have sex, I am up to about 500 men.]
4.top in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is fucked.

active-passive split --a mode of thought found in some cultures in which, in male-male sexual activity, the only one who is perverted is the bottom. In this mode of thought, a man who would allow himself to get fucked is thought weak and womanish, whereas the top retains his manhood because he is doing the fucking. [Rebecca Scott, A Brief Dictionary of Queer Slang and Culture]

adolescentilism: The person is aroused by impersonating both the dress and behavior of an adolescent [ a diaper fetish could fall into this category]

affable: one that is open for sexual consideration.

AFAIK: As Far As I Know. alphabetical code used in gay ads and is used in online Internet chat.

AFGE: Another Fucking Growth Experience. alphabetical code used in gay ads and is used in online Internet chat.

Afro: combining form for African. In the 70's it referred to a puffed up hairstyle. [Gay & Black Glossary Jul-27-2000 by Roedy Green ©1997-2000]

AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, is a recently recognized disease. It is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks selected cells in the immune system.
2.Analy Inflicted Death Sentance[Eric S. Hutchins 2/2/99]
3.A.I.D.S.-A.nally I.nflicted D.eath S.entence [Michael Polson Wed, 26 May 1999]

AIDS Terrorist: - Someone who is HIV+ that knowingly engages in unsafe sex. [do not have sex with Dave he is a AIDS Terrorist]

agate: a small penis

age of consent: The lowest age at which sex is legally permissible. Often the age differs for male/male, female/female and male/female. . In the USA, the age of consent varies state by state. http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm

ageism: [1970, is modeled on the older terms sexism and racism] prejudice of young people against older people. A youth of 18 to 25 may regard someone who is 35 as old, while the 35 year old considers himself still young.{This show up in today's gay press and advertisement personals columns. That most gay men seek yourger partners. Advertisers often place an upper limit of 30 to 40 or even as low as 21 years of ageone the partners that the advertiser is willing to accept. Synonyms. Gay youthism; wheel-chair set

A-gay or A-List Gay: --the homosexual elite that has power, money, and priveledge [Rebecca Scott, A Brief Dictionary of Queer Slang and Culture]

aggie: a gay sailor

aggressive: like to fuck vigorously, even violently.

air express: [1980s]sex with a male airline attendent

a load off someone's mind: 1. a great emotional and mental relief. 2. to take a dick out of one's ass.

ALCIBIADES: Greek statesman and general who was attracted to Socrates.

ALEXANDER 1: Tsar of Russia. Napoleon said of him, "He was the slyest and handsomest of all the Greeks.'

ALEXANDER THE GREAT: Greek king and general. Had several male lovers.

ALGOLAGNIA (n.): Sexual gratification derived from giving or receiving pain; it includes both masochism and sadism.

all that: adj. as good as it gets. ("This Queen thinks she's all that, and more!")

all-nighter: [1980s] Noun. A club night or event that goes on all night.

alley apple: feces; shit [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

altar room: Syn: for toilet

AMBISEXTROUS (adj.): Bisexual. (Rare.)

AMBIVALENCE (n.): The indecisiveness of bisexual persons who are simultaneously attracted and repulsed by both heterosexual and homosexual activity.

amies: amyl nitrite ampoules. The ampoules have the odor of overripe bananas.

AMORAL (adj.): Without morals, or not following an accepted moral code.

AMPHIGENIC INVERT (n.): A bisexual.

amputation fetish: a person is sexually aroused by the sight of an amputation, usually of a whole arm or leg. See acrotomophilia for arousal over seeing another's amputation. See apotemnophilia for arousal over one's own amputation. [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

amyl nitrite: [Discovered in 1857] a synthetic halluconogen believed to be an aphrodisiac or sex enhancer. Syn: aroma of man; bullet; butyl nitrite; heart on; Jac blaster; locker room; popper; rush; snapper.

anal buckaneer:
[1980s] term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

ANAL EROT(IC)ISM (n.): Anal intercourse.

ANAL-GENITAL (adj.): A sexual act involving penetration of the anus with the male genital organ.

anal jabber: [1980s] term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

anal sex - n. the insertion of the penis into the anus or some other body part or object into the anus.

andro dyke or androgynous dyke: --a lesbian who is neither very masculine nor very feminine. The push for lesbians to look androgynous came during the 1970s as part of lesbian feminism, and was a backlash against the Butch/Femme social structure of the working class bar scene. See also flannel-shirt dyke and PC dyke. [Rebecca Scott, A Brief Dictionary of Queer Slang and Culture]

ANDROGYNE (n.): An effeminate, homosexual man.

ANDROPHILE (n.): One with a type of homosexual feeling which involves clinging to a masculine ideal, generally older and more mature an the individual experiencing the longing.

ANGEL (n.): The passive participant in, predication. (Tramp slang.) 1. male who pays for sexual services. the guy that pays a prostitute.Syn: john 2. [rarely used by the '60s] older man who shows affection for his younger male lover with gifts. 3 [rarely used by the '60s]older man who supports a younger lover or friend. Synonyms papa gateau; Santa Claus; suger daddy 4. ANGLES: The American Network of Gay and Lesbian Law Students 5.Movie Titles >Angel [Angelos] - Director: George Katakouzinos Greece : 1982 : 126 mins: Gay : Biographical Drama: Angel is based on a true story, a moving account of a young gay man accused of a violent murder and contains explicit love scenes. 6. Movie Titles >Angel Director : Robert Vincent O´Neil USA : 1984 : 93 mins: Prostitute with gay transvestite friend With: Dick Shawn as the transvestite Mae and Donna Wilkes as Angel: Angel a high school student by day and a prostitute by night. http://www.movies-too-gay.com/tv/phill/a.html

ANGEL WITH A DIRTY FACE (n.): A male homosexual who would like to indulge in homosexual practices but who is timid or hesitant about it. (Now obsolete, having its origin in mid-1930's with the motion picture "Angels with Dirty Faces.")

ANILINCTUS (or ANILINGUS) (n.): Licking or sucking of the perineum or anus. (See RIM.)

ANOMALY (n.): Irregularity; deviation; not conforming to the most common pattern.

anonymous sex: sex between consenting adults who don't know each other and never exchange names or just first name or nick name only.

anteater: Synonym for erection of the penis

ANTHROPOPHAGY (n.): A sadistic sexual perversion which leads to rape, mutilation, and cannibalism.

ANTINUOUS: Roman courtier. The lover of Emperor Hadrian, he mysteriously committed suicide when a very young man.

antiman: [English-speaking islands of the Caribbean.Name used for a gay man

ANTONY, MARK: Roman general. Said to have performed stud service for Julius Caesar, besides being involved in various other homosexual affairs.

aphrodisiac: a substance that helps with sexual arousal and sexual desire [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

apotemnophilia: a person with an amputation fetish. This person is sexually aroused by having a part of their body amputated either by themselves or someone else. The memory of the amputation can serve to arouse them for years. It is the act of having an extremity amputated that is arousing; thus, they have to be awake during the process. Also see fetish for a list of sexual fetishes [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

AROUND THE WORLD: phrase denoting a sexual act indulged in by homosexuals and heterosexuals which consists in the active partner's kissing and licking the passive partner over all the parts of his body.

arm: [1940s] penis

aroma of man: synonym for amyl nitrite [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

arse: [Noun. Standard English from 1600's until mid 1800's]British equivalent of ass

arse bandit: [Noun. UK] term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

arsehole: British equivalent of asshole

ASEXUAL (adj.): Not interested in sexual intercourse with man or woman.

a/s/l: [1990s] age, sex, location, Used in online Internet chat.

ASPERMATISM (or ASPERMIA) (n.): The condition when a male has difficulty in ejaculating, or the lack of semen in a male.

asphyxiophilia: strangulation fetish. This is sexual arousal caused by loss of control over your ability to breathe. Self strangulation or allowing another person to asphyxiate you. See fetish for a listing of sexual fetishes. [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

ASS (n.): 1. either of the two rounded, fleshy parts of the rump, the buttocks, anus. [look at the ass on that boy] Syn: back yard; backs [prison sl]; backside; beautocks; beauts; beauty [early 60s]; biscuit; biscuits; bonbons; boody; booty; bottom; broad; bucket; bum [Brit], bun; bunghole; buns; bun-bun; bunt; butt; buttocks; caboose; cakes; can; canetta; canister set; Cashmerian togas; change machine; change register; cheeks; chips; chundini; copper penny [kwn Mid-west, late 50s]; cozy drop [kwn LA, early 60s]; cunt; cupcakes; cushion; derriere; dokus; drop [kwn Calif, late 50s]; duff; duster; English muffins; fanny; fesse; flip side [mid 60s]; fundillo; gatees; gazeet; ham; hill-lock, hill-locks; hernandies [mid 60s]; hips; honey rolls; hot cross buns; hot pockeroo; jamblocks [kwn SF, early 60]; kazoo [mid 60s]; keester; labonza; loaves, love buns; male tale; moon; money maker; motor; nachas; naka-nake; ninan; okole-mas; paddies; patties; pellin; piece of luggage [kwn Midwest,mid 60s]; popo; potcharooney [mid 60s]; poundcake [40s]; pratt; puss; pussy; rolls; roscas; rosey; rum; set of cakes; set of pears; sitzbein; sizzlers [kwn Southwest late 60s]; south-end, spare tire [kwn Midwest, mid 60s]; smallers [SF70s]; sugar cookies; tail; taquitos; tokus; tooky; twin-hills. 2. an act of anal intercourse. [ I got a little ass last night] 3. n. one that serves as an object of ridicule or contempt. 4. self-important, vain. 5. aggressively or silly person. 6. "Ass, (The):" something terrible; a let-down; ex "Oh my God, That was the ass!" [--submitted my Konni L'Ingus B'ham, Ala. Date: Thu, 31 May 2001]

ASS-BLOW (v.): To anilingue.

ass boy: [1990s]term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

ass business: prostitution.

ASS-FUCK (v.): To pedicate (fuck in the ass). (n.): The act of pedication.

assfucker: term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

ass fucking: an act of anal intercourse, to insert a penis in the anus. [He is a good assfuck.]

ass games: 1. to do anal intercourse. 2. an act of anal intercourse. ass fucking: an act of anal intercourse, to insert a penis in the anus. 3. [SM sl, late 60s] anal erotic practice such as enemas dildos, belts etc.

asshole: 1 the anus; rectum. 2. [1990s]best friend; a very close friend. 3.detrimental person [meaning very common nowadays] [" David thinks Chris is an asshole."]

asshole bandit: 1. one who is into anilingus 2. in anal intercourse the top man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is getting fucked.

asshole buddy: 1. two who are not lovers but come together for sexual gratification.
2. two who are not lovers but come together to go cruising for threesomes for anal intercourse. 3. When heterosexual men are isolated from women, alternate as active and passive partners in anal intercourse.

ass hound: 1. someone that is attracted to asses. Synonyms ass queen. 2 a male whose favorite part of the anatomy is the ass. Syn: ass queen 3.a man with an consuming interest ass fucking.

assleech: [1990s] term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

ass man: 1. a man or boy, whose favorite part of the anatomy is the buttocks; anus; rectum. 2. a man with an consuming interest in doing the sex act.

ass peddler: a prostitute, of either sex.

ass pirate: [1998s] term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing

ass play: erotic stimulation of the anus, with the hand , penis or other body parts or toys.

ass pro: a male prostitute, a hustler that is known for getting fucked. Synonyms: bird taker; buff-boy; bunny; business boy.

ass raider: 1. [1980s]term for homosexual man, used in gay bashing 2.in anal intercourse the man who fucks, as opposed to the one who is being fucked.

ass queen: someone that is attracted to asses. Synonyms: ass hound.

ass wipe: 1.1960s] toilet paper [not commonly used today] 2.used derogatorily about or to a person. ["Hey, asswipe, when are you going to leave my lover a alone?"] 3.[1980s]a newpaper, particularly one negative toward gays 4.worthless piece of paper, like a old telephone number or parking ticket.

assy: bitch, nasty.

ASS, TO MAKE IT UP THE (v.): Submitting to pedication. Also TO TAKE IT UP THE ASS.

ASS, TO PEDDLE ONE'S (v.): To prostitute oneself as a pedicant.

atelia: a condition in which an adult has the sexual organs of a child.

A transvestite crown: 1. tiara worn by a drag queen. 2. the uppermost end of the penis.

athenian: active pedophile

A-200: brand name of a disinfectant for crabs.

AUGUSTUS CAESAR: Roman emperor. His homosexual activities were limited to his youth, at which time he was quite effeminate.

1.an elderly male homosexual. 2. a lesbian that is mentor and, occasionally, protector of a male homosexual. Synonyms: aging actress; aunt Mame.

aunt fancy: a male homosexual.

AUNTIE (n.): Middle-aged or aging male homosexual; usually (but not always) overly effeminate in character. The term can be applied either in a manner mildly derogatory or even as a term of, slight affection.

Auntie Em: --queer [Rebecca Scott, A Brief Dictionary of Queer Slang and Culture ]

auntie queen: young man or teenager who seeks the love and companionship of older men.

aunt Mame: a middle aged homosexual.

aunt Mathilda: a middle aged homosexual.

aunty: See auntie

aureola:Anatomical name for the darker skin that circles around the nipple.

Australian active: likes to be the partner who licks in Australian sex. [Gay & Black Glossary Jul-27-2000 by Roedy Green ©1997-2000]

Australian passive: likes to be the partner who is licked in Australian sex. [Gay & Black Glossary Jul-27-2000 by Roedy Green ©1997-2000]

Australian sex: To start one partner licks the back of the neck and shoulders of his lover, then lifts his tongue and moves it a tiny bit down the spine. Then he slowly works his way back up the spine to lick the back of the neck and shoulders, perhaps moving around to the side or front to lick the side of the neck or kiss the mouth. He then lifts his tongue and places it a tiny bit further down the spine than the last time. You take 15 to 60 minutes to work your way down to the anus and beyond. That's the Australian part. From there, this often leads to rimming and screwing. See New Zealand sex. [Gay & Black Glossary Jul-27-2000 by Roedy Green ©1997-2000]

autagonistophilia: unlike exhibitionism where the person intentionally exposes his genitals to an unsuspecting stranger, in this fetish the man creates situations in which other people could seenaked if the person wanted to. For example, he might leave his curtains open and walk around the house naked in hopes that someone would peep in the windows. It is the thought that someone may be watching that is sexually arousing [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

autassassinophilia: a person with this fetish is sexually aroused by putting himself in situations in which he may be killed. He really must feel he is in danger in order to be sexually aroused. Unfortunately, many people witha this fetish do get killed in the process. [Wei Lee, Dictionary of Gay Slang]

AUTOEROTIC (adj.): Sexual desire aroused without intervention of external stimuli, that is, self-induced, as in masturbation.

AUTOFELLATION (n.): Oral excitation of one's own penis; though rare, it does indeed exist among our better endowed, agile homosexuals and has been photographed and witnessed.

autosadism: Where one inflicts pain upon oneself.

autonepiophilia: This is the same thing as infantilism. sexually arousing behavior characterized by dressing as an infant and acting the role of a child under two years old. This can include removing some or all body hair

auxiliary: the male genitals.

awesome: [teenagers 80'] wonderful; outstanding; excellent [did you see that awesome boy. Good looking.

available: 1. one that is open for sexual consideration. Synonyms: catchable; fuckable; affable; on the make; suckable 2. one that has no lover, and could be looking for a lover or relationship.Synonyms: in circulation; up for grabs.

awesome: 1.[teenagers 80s] wonderful; outstanding; excellent ["Did you see that awesome boy?"] 2.good looking

axillary intercourse: Sexual intercourse performed on the armpit, of a partner until an ejaculation is reached. Synonyms: bagpipe; pit job

ayuga: [kwn LV, late '60 fr] the signal made by a submerging submarine. to go down on an attractive man, to suck cock.

azz: ass

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* All definitions that are shown in this color (light pink) are from:
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By Robert Owen Scott, Jr.